
This website is maintained by Wealth Depot/ Turfbooks (“firm”). It is for general information purposes only and does not constitute the rendering of legal, accounting, or any other advice to any user. Nothing transmitted from this web site constitutes the establishment of a client-firm relationship, which can only be established by the execution of a written engagement letter between a prospective client and the firm.  Our attorneys do not seek to practice law in any state, territory or foreign country where they are not authorized to do so.

Links to Third Party Websites
We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information made available from any third parties accessed through the external links at this website. The intent is to provide a catalog of links for informational uses only which cannot replace the advice of a qualified, licensed professional about your particular situation and facts.

Email Correspondence
Please do not send any confidential information to Wealth Depot / Turf Books through this site.  Email correspondence with anyone at Turf Books does not establish a client-firm relationship, which can only be established by the execution of a written engagement letter between a prospective client and the firm.

Please direct any general comments and questions to [email protected]